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Saturday, February 22, 2014

More lawsuits on Dr. Phil and Tierra Blanca Ranch

As many of you know, Dr. Phil has been seen sending troubled teens away to Aspen Education Group facilities for sadistic entertainment. He has even supported escort services to legally kidnap teens to these programs. He is now being sued by a family who's daughter was sent to Island View after appearing on his show was abused at the program.
Aspen is notorious for child abuse in it's behavior modification techniques. These facilities are portrayed exactly as the are on their deceptive websites with the support of Aspens spokesperson Kristen Hayes. According to a LinkedIn profile, Hayes is NOT a licensed mental health profession or educator.  It's noted that even psychologist (even with MD's and Ph.D's) receive kickbacks from such places to send children who need help without concerning the child's safety, well being, or even looking into this as a good fit for his/her particular issues. This is also a common practice with the pharmaceutical companies paying doctors to prescribe certain drugs that can easily make money for them.

Tierra Blanca Boys Ranch also seems to be in even more trouble after a death occurred after more abuse allegations were filed on behalf of the victim. However there are still no criminal charges filed for criminal acts at the ranch as well. Could it be the corruption of law enforcement in these remote areas? These documents of the lawsuits leaked should get the attention of the attorney general instead.
Tierra Blanca Ranch Lawsuit

Thursday, February 6, 2014

How Parent Manuals are used to keep kids detained in abusive programs

There is another VERY importaint warning sign to look out for too. And that is the "parent manuals" that these programs. These are pamphlets that the program gives out for parents to read if they consider sending their child to such programs. What they REALLY do is throw out a bunch of scare tactics in order to manipulate the parents to keep the child in the program for a long, long time. The parent manuals will prepare the parents for how there child will react when they communicate with them via phone call or letter.

Here is an example of one from the now defunct Paradise Cove leaked by WWASPS Survivors.
_If you ever see such communication guidelines as depicted in the document link above or something similar, GET YOUR CHILD OUT OF THERE! This is a sign that there is abuse going on and they are trying to cover it up by coercing you not to listen to your child's cries for help and deeming them a manipulator. For one former detainee from Paradise Cove, his parents fell for this tactic and refused to take his complaints seriously. Later turning to crime, he continued this path up until his death from being gunned down by police.