There is an Online Petition to outlaw the use of escorts transporting minors to residential treatment centers!
Many know this is common in the Troubled Teen Industry, there have been testimonies of kids being taken by escort services hired by their parents to legally kidnap them to an prison-like facility. These kidnapping services are for-profit (sometimes they're from the facility the child is being taken to) and are NOT police officers. They are really huge thugs that will beat up or restrain the child in his/her bedroom in the middle of the night. According to survivors, this was often the most traumatic experience they've had. And the worst thing about these is that it's ALL LEGAL in the United States.
These escorts are NOT legally defined as kidnapping, as the US Kidnapping Statute contains a clause that's frequently overlooked. Stating that a minor has no right go resist such a process as defined by this clause, since children are generally viewed as property of the parents. Meaning the parents have the absolute right to send the kid off as they wish across states and even to foreign countries and get through airport security.