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Friday, February 3, 2012

Why HR 911 failed in 2009

HR 911 also called the "Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2008" looked like it had a lot of hope of getting passed by congress as they heard the issues. But this failed to pass and resulted therapeutic programs to continue the abuse they were doing.

It began with owners of Hephzibah House and Reclamation Ranch knew this bill was a threat to their business so they gathered supporters. One of those supporters was NATSP (National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs) who joined forces to testify to congressmen, most of whom where Republican. Opposing members of congress debated that "The bill is not needed, states are best suited to handle this" saying that the federal level would hurt their businesses, thus denying that teenagers are being abused by their therapies and poorly trained staff; The result of their regulation free paradise.

There is evidence that the economy was going through rough times that caused the Republican House to fear that it would hurt unemployment even more. Thankfully this bill is being re-introduced.

Source: http://www.alternet.org/belief/152024/the_shocking_stories_of_how_christian_homes_treat_troubled_teens_?page=7

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