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Monday, September 10, 2012

A Need or a Privilege?

A lot of these programs have a philosophy that take behavior modification to the extreme. Too extreme to the point that peoples basic daily needs are often considered privileges such as sanitation of food and water, hygiene, shelter, and physical comfort. These are the things that are granted in prisons because they are human rights. What inmates are not granted is TV, Recreation Sports, and snacks because they are privileges that are earned.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Owner of Copper Canyon Opens up a New Facility for Boys

The founder of Copper Canyon Academy Tammy Behrmann has opened up an all-male equivalent on the property of Robert Lichfield's old mansion in St. George Utah. The WWASPS founder apparently sold the property to Aspen Education (which owns CCA) to open up a new facility that is bound to be abusive.

The school is called Ashcreek Ranch Academy and it just opened last month and is now included in the "Targeted Facilities" list. As usual, the website has a whole list of teenage traits they consider "serious issues". There has to be as many people as possible to close this place down ASAP because it's only a matter of time before one of the boys dies in this program.

And this B!tch Tammy Behrmann should be arrested along with the closure of CCA.