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Sunday, December 22, 2013


As 2013 comes to an end, there have been even more closed programs than previously thought. 2012 however was less exciting with the closures of Escuela Caribe and Cathrine Freer Wilderness to name a few. Family Light reports more on the situation regarding these closures.

 For this year the programs closed in 2013 are as follows:
Academy at Swift River, Talisman (formally New Leaf Academy), Stone Mountain School, Adirondak, and SUWS of Idaho. (Also new word is Horizon Academy and Cross Creek have closed too!)

 All of which are owned by Aspen Education Group and WWASPS. As you know, AEG is owned by Bain Capital and the goons involved with WWASPS are constantly on the move. Which means that any of these closed facilities are likely to re-open under new names at some point. However, we will track down the people running these places and where they have re-located and the new programs they run. Let's hope to see indefinite closures in 2014 along with convictions.
We need as much support as we can get, because they obviously have too much money to be criminally prosecuted, which is why they continue to abuse children for profit. If the survivor lobby out numbered them in both people and funds, we can put this goose chase to a stop. The first step to this however, is to get money out of politics completely. So many politicians in Washington are heavily invested in this dirty industry.Once this happens, we can do it with your help!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Another Kid Dies at Diamond Ranch Academy!

There has recently been a suicide at Diamond Ranch Academy. The kids name has not even been released nor did his parents disclose any information. This marks the second death at DRA after that of James Shirey in early 2009. A criminal lawsuit has yet to be taken place for both boys who have died.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

World seems to be opening up after escapes at a New Mexico Boys Ranch

The media now seems to be catching on this which is rare for them to do. However, until things are set right with government action and change it will continue.

 This video and article explains very clearly that the vast majority of at-risk youth DO NOT need out-of home treatment. We also need to convince private boarding and day schools across the country to expand the pool of special needs students they work with because otherwise they will be placed in facilities like this where they are abused and denied education. And if the child does need treatment, they must receive out-patient home based therapy before applying to other education options. Otherwise the parent and child are setting themselves up for years of shame and regret. And also to avoid education consultants at all cost as there are only a hand full of honest ones with no oversight on their qualifications.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Bright Kids in Gulags and the End of Teen Trouble!

There has been news regarding Paris Jackson, the daughter of the late king of pop, is being sent to an extremely abusive residential treatment facility Diamond Ranch Academy. Although she had had some issues and stress regarding the death of her father, she needs to be saved. A kid has already died in this facility, and they even force parents and legal guardians to sign away custody rights to the facility.

This girl was at an exclusive prep school and was even a cheerleader. I'm betting that the therapist and education consultants exposed her to the false advertising that DRA has on it's website to motivate her to go. This was even done on Dr. Drew. This is why Home treatment should be used to replace residential treatment. Even when they are in a facility in their home state, they're still in danger as monitored communication is used as a cover-up for child abuse and rape that goes on in these centers.

And some excellent news, Josh Shipp's show "Teen Trouble" on Lifetime Network HAS BEEN CANCELED! This was confirmed back in May (of this year of course) by A&E who owns Lifetime Network, that the show will not be renewed for a second season. The shows cancellation was primarily due to poor ratings that was probably due to abuse allegations of the facilities featured by Shipp, or controversy of how Shipp was approaching these kids. This is great news!

Now we have to reach out to Dr. Drew and Dr. Phil to stop featuring these abusive programs on their show's for entertainment.

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Story Behind Escaping Residential Facility Scam in 3 Months!

This is Goddess_of_Justice here to tell you about my time caught up in residential treatment scams and how I evaded more places where I could have ended up for the remainder of High School. If it wasn't for me realizing that it was a trap to milk my parents money, I would not have found the true preparatory boarding school that I settled on and graduated from (which I am grateful for). My parents at first thought this WAS the real deal like I did, until they got me back and were trying very hard not to make a mistake like that again.

So here is my story...
I had just turned 17 in the spring semester of my second year of High School (I was a late-starter) I was fed up with little improvement with my goals in my public high school. I was rejected from so many extra-curriculars that I loved and my grades began to slip as a result, I felt like a failure. I was not able to do and explore at my old high school. To top it all off, I had learning disorders that they never took seriously. So I wanted to go to a smaller private high school where I could do all those things I loved and thrive. This would get me off to a great start for college. I informed my parents about this and they said they would contact some education consultants to see what they can find. They were given brochures and looked up on some of the websites and found out that these prep schools had a no-cut policy in sports and fine arts and they offered great support in learning differences and ADHD. However the majority of them were "emotional growth" boarding schools a.k.a. residential treatment centers. I had no idea what they really were.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

More red flags?

Oh yes, there are more red flags on which programs are abusive and fraudulent than the ones posted on WWASPS survivors or HEAL-online. What they don't tell you is telling the fraudulent programs marketed as boarding schools from real true boarding schools.

This most often happens when the child is struggling in the public schools and their parents want a better place for them. Most of the schools that are recommended are "therapeutic boarding schools" for troubled teens. This is because of what they claim to specialize in even though they're only for last resort placements when all other options fail. This makes them especially dangerous not only from the abusive staff, lack of medical care, and unsanitary living conditions, but violent kids that might take advantage of other kids and the staff again do nothing. What's worse is even many education consultants are being bribed to refer as many kids to these programs that they can hold to make even more money when they prolong their stay and possibly kill them by accident.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Petition to Josh Shipp and Lifetime Television Network

For those of you who don't know, there is a new show on Lifetime called "Teen Trouble" where quack psychologist Josh Shipp works with seriously disturbed teenagers and promotes these for-profit residential schools that are known for human rights violations and kids dying while being confined to these programs.
 Josh Shipp is NOT a profession of any kind and was once a troubled kid himself, a hallmark of many staff who work for these programs. The methods these programs practice are NOT supported by scientific research and evidence. In face, these harm kids and "Quack Dr. Shipp" needs to know the truth!

There is a petition to let Lifetime and Josh Shipp know the truth behind these programs and demand to stop airing the show. It is also confusing and influencing parents with struggling kids about these programs and ignoring what their children REALLY NEED. It's hard enough to get the attention out to Dr. Phil and Dr. Drew who endorse Aspen Education Group, so lets let Lifetime know we mean serious business.

We need as much signatures on the petition as possible. Let your voice be heard!