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Monday, September 10, 2012

A Need or a Privilege?

A lot of these programs have a philosophy that take behavior modification to the extreme. Too extreme to the point that peoples basic daily needs are often considered privileges such as sanitation of food and water, hygiene, shelter, and physical comfort. These are the things that are granted in prisons because they are human rights. What inmates are not granted is TV, Recreation Sports, and snacks because they are privileges that are earned.

 Here is a basic list that the troubled teen industry and parents should know on what's a human right and a privilege for enjoyment. If basic daily needs are considered privileges, then the person will eventually die from abuse and neglect.

Basic Daily Needs
  • Communication
  • Shelter
  • Comfort (pillows, bed mattress, towels, etc.)
  • Food and Water
  • Sanitation
  • Health care
  • Mental Well Being

  • Books
  • Television
  • Video Games
  • Movies
  • Recreation
  • Internet
  • Off Campus Outings

1 comment:

  1. Great list. Carlbrook School in Virginia has several former CEDU staffers and is one that breaks students down, puts them on suspension for up to 6 months and on bans (can't talk to another student, can't talk without being talked to, etc.) Serious and long-lasting effects.
