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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

More red flags?

Oh yes, there are more red flags on which programs are abusive and fraudulent than the ones posted on WWASPS survivors or HEAL-online. What they don't tell you is telling the fraudulent programs marketed as boarding schools from real true boarding schools.

This most often happens when the child is struggling in the public schools and their parents want a better place for them. Most of the schools that are recommended are "therapeutic boarding schools" for troubled teens. This is because of what they claim to specialize in even though they're only for last resort placements when all other options fail. This makes them especially dangerous not only from the abusive staff, lack of medical care, and unsanitary living conditions, but violent kids that might take advantage of other kids and the staff again do nothing. What's worse is even many education consultants are being bribed to refer as many kids to these programs that they can hold to make even more money when they prolong their stay and possibly kill them by accident.

 Parents considering in a specialized school for you child, know this:
When ed consultants continue to make these moves, just say "NO!" and search the internet instead. You are the parent, you are supposed to know what's right for your child because you know them best and are with them every single day. Therefore, you are supposed to know if they need residential treatment or not.

When consulting the internet, DO NOT GO TO THESE WEBSITES to find the right school for your child THEY ARE FRAUDULENT:




Do not be fooled by their advertising, they will make it look like it's a traditional private high school. Sometimes they will even post fake pictures and videos of extra-curricular activities such as interscholastic sports, music concerts, plays, etc. A perfect example of this is Diamond Ranch Academy which is VERY abusive, there has even been a preventable death at that facility.
Other things what these therapeutic residentials have are:
  • A level system for behavior modification
  • Little contact with the outside world (no phones, internet access, tv, etc.)
  • Location in an isolated area often in the middle of nowhere
  • School that last no more than 3 hours a day if not everyday
  • VERY high tuition charging by the month (typical range $500-13,000) Often more expensive than traditional boarding schools.
  • Lack of school holidays
  • Academics significantly below grade level
  • The boys and girls are separated at all times and are not allowed to interact
  • Staff that dictate when parents can contact their children, visit, or the child's length of stay
If you contact the school and tour the facility and they have one or more of the additional warning signs listed above, DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD!

This blogger (a.k.a Goddess_of_Justice) will share a story about how she evaded this scam and becoming a victim. 

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